Autologica Top Features

Measure the Parts Fill Rate at your Dealership

Intuitive reports to understand the effectiveness of your parts order fulfillment to customers.

Demand vs. Delivery

This feature of Autologica Sky DMS allows you to measure parts availability based on the existing inventory at the time the customer order is generated, rather than the quantity delivered or shipped.

This approach is useful for dealerships and importers who consolidate large customer orders and make a single weekly shipment for logistical reasons.

The Fill Rate is measured against:

  • Current physical inventory
  • Parts that are on their way from the OEM and suppliers
  • Customer reservations

Say goodbye to...

  • Non-compliance with manufacturer standards 
  • Lack of real visibility into parts inventory 
  • Uncertainty about parts availability for future deliveries 
  • Discrepancies between physical inventory and what is in transit

And say hello to...

  • Accuracy in parts availability to meet customer demands
  • Constant inventory updates with physical and OEM/supplier data
  • Improved coordination between inventory and future deliveries
  • Advanced features to enhance your Fill Rate, such as Parts Order Suggestions