Customer Stories | UB Motors

Optimize Workshop Planning to Lower Costs

A key task of the Service Manager at the dealership is to control the status of jobs, monitor delays, see which jobs require action, and see which vehicles are ready to be delivered. 

To facilitate this task, Autologica Sky DMS provides a Repair Order Progress feature, a web-based app that shows the status of all jobs in real-time on a single screen.

“We use the RO Progress dashboard, which has become an everyday tool for good workshop planning. Before, I had to print a report, sit down with the workshop foreman, see repair orders one by one and discover the reasons why they were still open. Now, I open the RO Progress application and instantly see where we are standing, and that saves us 1 hour every day”. Javier Rojas, UB Motors, official Audi dealer.

RO Progress is a web-based app, that takes information from the DMS in real-time, allowing us to have a real-time and immediate overview of all jobs, with key information that facilitates the work of the Service Manager.

“In addition, RO Progress lets you see if a repair order has a related proposal, if it has parts assigned, if it is still open because the customer is testing the vehicle, if it is an RO that is open for a pre-delivery service, or if it is in process because we are waiting for the OEM to approve the courtesy or warranty. This tool is fabulous.” Javier Rojas, UB Motors, official Audi dealer.