Autologica Top Features

Run Marketing Campaigns Based on your Customers’ Sales Potential

Identify customers who are purchasing less than expected and take strategic actions to close the gap.

Don’t miss out on sales opportunities

Autologica Sky DMS generates a report to show how much each registered vehicle should be spending on services and parts, and how much has actually been consumed.

Within the DMS, the annual sales potential for parts and services (provided by the OEM) is uploaded for each model, and then each customer is rated as A, B, or C. This classification helps identify which customers have the highest potential for engagement and should be targeted first.

Key Information

  • Parts and service sales potential based on your units sold
  • Analyze the sales potential of a customer that visits your workshop with a vehicle bought at another dealership
  • Calculate the sales potential of vehicles owned by customers and recorded in the CRM

Say goodbye to...

  • Missed sales opportunities 
  • Ineffective marketing strategies

And say hello to...

  • Quickly identify parts and service sales opportunities 
  • Accurate data to create more effective marketing and sales campaigns, focusing on areas with the highest growth potential 
  • Greater customer retention by contacting them at the right time