Customer Stories | Folmer e Hijos S.A.

When the DMS Becomes the Compass for Making Important Decisions

Advantages Detected

  • Autologica has helped the dealer improve business management, with clear, transparent and accessible information.
  • Individual tracking spreadsheets for each department were eliminated; now everything is centralized through Autologica Sky DMS.
  • The DMS improves the dealership’s relationship with customers.
  • Information is 100% reliable.
  • Customers, vehicle inventory, service histories, transaction histories are available across all stores.
  • Complete reports, with consolidated and individualized information from all locations.

Control the inventory of invoiced vehicles that have not been delivered at a glance. This allows us to detect if there is any problem that needs to be resolved. Exceptional reporting in the Service Department, vital for decision-making.

  • Autologica Academy, the e-learning platform, that users access to learn the DMS.
  • Autologica Sky DMS helps coordinate tasks among collaborators.

Time Savings

  • The delivery of new and used units and machinery from the request allowed us to save time during delivery. This happens since the receipt is generated, the unit is associated with the client and the vendor with a single click, a process that was previously done manually.
  • Loading collateral resources from Autologica Sky DMS is a great advantage: operating times are reduced by avoiding the repetition of tasks.

Relationship with Factory

  • The Renault Sales interface has become a must-have that avoids manual upload errors and staff upload delays.
  • The interfaces to send the daily reports to Renault, through “file transfer”, also allow us to save time and avoid typing errors.

Other Solutions Implemented

Appointment365 is a very good solution for service management; the shift confirmation function by email is valued by customers as it reminds them of the day, shift schedule and the work to be done.

Industry: Automobiles

Bio: Founded in 1981, Folmer e Hijos S.A. is an official Ford, Renault, Massey Ferguson dealership located in Entre Ríos, Argentina. Since 2011 we have had the honor of accompanying them with our DMS to face the challenges and meet the goals of their multi-store operations.